1.외질 - 윌셔
참 어찌 보면 별거 아닌데 그냥 무심한듯 원터치로 절묘하게 찔러 넣는 패스가..(14분)
Ozil - Wilshere
such an easy,exact pass
Ozil - Wilshere
such an easy,exact pass
2.체임버스가 올라갔다가 턴오버 당해서 오른쪽에 LB,CB 아무도 없던
상황에 알렉시스가 잘 수비해냈네요 (23분)
Alexis did a great defence work when
LB & CB both were absent on Arsenal's right back
Alexis did a great defence work when
LB & CB both were absent on Arsenal's right back
3.아직 EPL의 몸싸움에 적응이 필요한 알렉시스 (31분)
Alexis still needs to learn how to handle the EPL physical fight
Alexis still needs to learn how to handle the EPL physical fight
4.외질과 알렉시스 박스에서의 첫 호흡 (35분)
the first interaction between Ozil and Alexis to the box
the first interaction between Ozil and Alexis to the box
5. 알렉시스의 멋진 패스 - 램지 (38분)
Alexis gives a fine pass to Ramsey
Alexis gives a fine pass to Ramsey
6. 외질과 알렉시스 두번째 호흡
이날 이렇게 두가지가 알렉시스의 박스내 동료들과의 모습의 전부였었습니다
확실히 톱으로서는 좀 더 손발을 맞춰봐야 할거 같네요 (41분)
the second Ozil & Alexis interaction
those were all moves of Alexis as a striker
it will take a time for Alexis to learn the ST role
the second Ozil & Alexis interaction
those were all moves of Alexis as a striker
it will take a time for Alexis to learn the ST role
7.드뷔시는 그 와중에 라인을 잘 맞췄네요
아쉬운 오심..(44분)
Debuchy made an offside trap well
but the assistant referee didn't see it
Debuchy made an offside trap well
but the assistant referee didn't see it
후반전 입니다
2nd Half
2nd Half
8.시작하자마자 쾅
순간적으로 수비수 팔로 밀어내고 라인을 잘 깼네요(45분)
Bang! with the start
Giroud beat the offside line pushing the defender
Bang! with the start
Giroud beat the offside line pushing the defender
9. 저렇게 공을 띄워 수비수를 제치는건 지루의 장기 중 하나죠 (54분)
that 'floating' over oppents' heads is one of his forte
that 'floating' over oppents' heads is one of his forte
10.윌셔도 주고 다시 받으려 했을텐데
직접 돌아서 과감하게 때리는 모습은 좋네요 (66분)
altought Wilshere wanted it back to him,
Giroud decided to make a turning shot
that was what we want to see more
altought Wilshere wanted it back to him,
Giroud decided to make a turning shot
that was what we want to see more
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